You have survived the divorces process but soon realize the signatures on the agreements didn’t free your emotions.  Yes, it certainly helps to get off that roller coaster but then there is another ride waiting called “rebuilding your life after the divorce”.

Your goal is inner peace, desire to face each day without feeling overwhelmed, release the fear, anger and resentment – to heal.  A divorce coach is skilled at helping your navigate a new path to your new normal.  The coaching process will help you:

  • Move from confusion and frustration to a place of clarity
  • Transcend the victim modality for a healthy sense of self esteem
  • Gain a balanced understanding of both spouses’ roles in the demise of the marriage
  • Focus on becoming the best single parent you can be by learning how to support your children during this transition in their lives and find a way create a new home, new traditions, and a new family model
  • Tackle the challenges financially, getting your home in order, possibly entering the work force and building new friendships or repairing old ones
  • Evaluate your attitude and where you need to let go of some negative energies and make room for some new positive energies to enter your space
  • Work through the process of forgiveness, develop feelings of freedom and peace
  • Learn to laugh, smile and start living again with purpose

Probably the most exhausting element of divorce is the story you tell yourself in your head.  We will deal with patterns of self-abusing thoughts, eliminate the need to blame others for your situation and learn to recognize and understand your feelings and not let your emotions run you.  It is time to write a new story.  A story where you are living forward and feel empowered to decide which life ride you choose to get on and when to get off of a ride that isn’t the best one for you and your future.

Sandra Lee is a Certified Divorce Coach and Divorce Mediator with Emerge Victorious, growing through and beyond divorce and has 16 years of experience.