Collaborative Divorce Coaches

Your divorce coach will focus on guiding you through the anxiety and anger often associated with a divorce and will also help you to look forward so that you can each rebuild your life. The goal is to allow each of you to have a place to express your feelings and desires regarding the outcome of your divorce. Many times, with the assistance of a divorce coach, you can more effectively communicate your needs and priorities to move forward in the process and refrain from getting stuck in the past.

Depending on the relationship you have and the needs of your case, you and your spouse may each have a coach, or you may have one coach to work with both of you. Your option to have one coach or two depends on the relationship you have coming into the divorce and if you are able to amicably discuss and negotiate issues. If this is the case, then often only one coach will be retained. If, on the other hand, you each desire to have your own collaborative coach, then a two-coach model can be used, as well.