How to Talk to Your Spouse About Having a Collaborative Divorce

Talking With Your Spouse About Having a Collaborative Divorce By Irene King  There is no right or easy way to begin a conversation about divorce. Once you and your spouse have had an initial conversation and decided that divorce is the path you are going to take, it’s...

I’ve Never Heard of the Collaborative Divorce Process- Is it New?

Is Collaborative Divorce Process New? By Irene King  Collaborative Divorce began with one lawyer deciding to practice family law differently. Stu Webb, a family lawyer in Minnesota, began practicing law in 1970.  After twenty years as a family lawyer trying cases in a...

What is Collaborative Training for the Professionals on my Team?

Learn more about Collaborative Training for the Professionals on my Team? By Irene King  Collaborative training is a specialized form of professional development and training for lawyers, financial professionals, and mental health professionals who are committed to...

What are my Options for Choosing a Divorce Process?

Options for Choosing a Divorce Process By Irene King  Do-It-Yourself In a world where everything has a “DIY” option, divorce is no exception. Also known as the “kitchen table” divorce, this option assumes you and your spouse have an agreement on all issues and you...
What is Collaborative Divorce?

What is Collaborative Divorce?

When court proceedings and the threat of court are removed from the settlement process, the creativity, range and durability of settlement options greatly expands. Most attorneys have had the experience of settling cases on the courtroom steps, or even after a trial...
Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started in the Collaborative Divorce Process Collaborative Divorce takes threats, hide-the ball tactics and court room battles off the table. It gives divorcing couples the choice to participate in a private, confidential process geared towards collective...