A collaborative divorce coach can provide many different services during the divorce process. Here are three primary roles if you engage the services of a coach:

1) Help negotiate agreements:

If your meetings are engaged as a couple with one coach, the role of the coach is to assist in the negotiations of your agreement. These negotiations may involve the creation of a parenting plan, holiday schedules, financial agreements & the smooth restructuring of your family. A collaborative agreement is signed with all of the professionals involved in your divorce proceedings and your coach can also guide you through the necessary steps of having a dignified and respectful divorce.

2)Individual Support:

If your needs are more for individual support throughout the divorce process, the role of the coach will be to provide services to allow for the processing of emotions and negotiations during this time of transition.

It is very normal to experience a wide range of emotions during this difficult time. These emotions may range from anger to sadness and at times to despair, fear and helplessness.

The role of a coach is to help empower you and guide you through the support and coping skills helpful during this transition.

3)Helping Parties Transition:

Future visioning guides us to look forward in our lives to a place where life will not feel quite so difficult. Coaching helps guide you through this transition time to a calmer place of rebuilding your life. The goal is to assist you in seeing what your life will be like when days don’t seem quite so overwhelming.

Rebuilding takes time but is always possible and the steps to arrive there are definitely more manageable when a coach is involved in the process. Coaching is aimed at guiding you to a time when the turmoil of this transition has passed, and you feel like you have landed on your feet in the new world you have created for yourself and your family.

Regardless of the role you engage your coach for, the confidentiality and support during the coaching process is invaluable for guiding you through the emotions that often arise during this difficult time.

Ann Kreindler-Siegel, LCSW, MSW, MAEd, SEP, BCC is a somatic experiencing psychotherapist & board certified coach who specializes in collaborative divorce coaching. She has been practicing in the profession of psychotherapy for over 25 years and has increased her practice to provide divorce coaching to couples to support them through this transition in their lives and families.