I’ve Never Heard of the Collaborative Divorce Process- Is it New?

Is Collaborative Divorce Process New? By Irene King  Collaborative Divorce began with one lawyer deciding to practice family law differently. Stu Webb, a family lawyer in Minnesota, began practicing law in 1970.  After twenty years as a family lawyer trying cases in a...

What is Collaborative Training for the Professionals on my Team?

Learn more about Collaborative Training for the Professionals on my Team? By Irene King  Collaborative training is a specialized form of professional development and training for lawyers, financial professionals, and mental health professionals who are committed to...

How Is Collaborative Divorce Different From Mediation?

Learn How Collaborative Divorce Is Different From Mediation By Dan Lewis As a family law attorney and certified family financial mediator, I have spoken with many individuals who are unaware of how Collaborative Divorce and mediation are actually defined and the...

How to get divorced with a collaborative agreement

Question:  If my spouse and I sign a collaborative agreement not to go to court, how do we get divorced? By Heidi S. Risser Answer: The collaborative agreement, which is signed by each party and their attorneys, should explain that necessary interactions with the...

Role of Attorney in Collaborative Divorce?

What is the Role of the Attorney in Collaborative Divorce? By Dan Lewis  The attorneys in Collaborative Divorce make up one-half of the Collaborative team along with their clients.  While advocacy in Collaborative Divorce may appear to be different from the...