Find a lawyer who understands your goal to reach settlement and encourage your spouse to do the same. Consider choosing a lawyer that understands and has experience with collaborative law (a process that attempts to settle cases amicably and outside the adversarial court system).

Once you start the process, cooperate in the prompt voluntary exchange of necessary information. Then, ask your attorney about the options of negotiation and mediation for reaching an agreement. Even if you are not able to settle all of the issues in your divorce, these actions can increase the likelihood of agreement on many of issues that would be otherwise taken to court.

You and your spouse should be commended for your willingness to cooperate while focusing on moving through the divorce process. This will not only make your lives easier and save you money on attorney fees, but it is also more likely to result in an outcome you are both satisfied with.  In addition, collaborative law proceedings can reduce stress on the children by keeping them from being exposed (directly or in­ directly) to the adversarial litigation process.

By Josh Goodman