Building a new life following a divorce can be very difficult. Where do you start? Settling your children? Finding single friends? A new job? Managing your own finances? How do you even begin dating or thinking about a new relationship? Just managing to settle into your new life seems difficult enough.

A divorce coach can be extremely helpful in guiding you to re-create the life you now wish to lead. In addition, a divorce coach can be a great resource to handle the difficult emotions that come, as you go through this process.

Taking everything one day at a time and being able to project into the future; seeing yourself in the life that you would like to lead; can be very helpful. The anxiety that arises with each step  can be, at times, very overwhelming. Learning how to picture your future, and see yourself more settled, can be very calming.

Transitions are the hardest thing we do as human beings. We see this every day when our children come home from school or we ourselves try to settle in after a long day at work, and especially now with our whole life in upheaval. Having a support system as you go through the transitions is one of the key factors to smooth the adjustment.

Often times, one of the things we don’t realize when we get divorced is that having friends to support you, and single friends to have activities with, is one of the hardest pieces. In addition, the weekdays are often filled with children’s activities, work, and friends. Weekends, though, can be extremely lonely and the time is often hard to fill, especially at first. There are many avenues to branch out in your new life, such as meet up groups, organized groups, and activities for single people, or people newly divorced. A coach can help you get to those resources, as well as normalize the anxiety you feel, as you begin to build your new life.

Ann Kreindler-Siegel, LCSW, MSW, MAEd, SEP, BCC is a somatic experiencing psychotherapist & board certified coach who specializes in collaborative divorce coaching. She has been practicing in the profession of psychotherapy for over 25 years and has increased her practice to provide divorce coaching to couples to support them through this transition in their lives and families.