Remember the game of tug of war? We muster all the strength to pull in opposite directions, everybody gets muddy and we all fall down. It’s a game of strength, not endurance. The magic of the collaborative divorce process is that when lawyers and...
When court proceedings and the threat of court are removed from the settlement process, the creativity, range and durability of settlement options greatly expands. Most attorneys have had the experience of settling cases on the courtroom steps, or even after a...
Collaborative Divorce takes threats, hide-the ball tactics and court room battles off the table. It gives divorcing couples the choice to participate in a private, confidential process geared towards collective problem-solving. In a collaborative divorce, a team of...
You want a respectful resolution of the issues that have led to the end of your marriage.You have children and you desire to have the best co-parenting relationship possible.You value self-determination and do not want to hand over responsibility of critical decisions...