Robin M. Mermans

Robin M. Mermans
Attorney at Road to Resolution
224 S. Caswell Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28204

“Robin is the perfect blend of warm, sensitive & compassionate, and also very smart, practical & knowledgeable.  Her experience in life and law is why I’m grateful to have her guide me through one of the most difficult times in my and my family’s lives.” – K.M.

Robin M. Mermans is a certified mediator and licensed attorney who offers her clients a unique experience. As a divorced mother, who is now remarried with five children, Robin is able to understand and relate. She is committed to using her personal story and passion to help her clients save time, money, and avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil while guiding them toward resolution.

Robin’s personal frustration with the traditional divorce model inspired her to establish a Divorce Mediation and Family Law Firm in Charlotte. ROAD to RESOLUTION uses a client-centered, client-controlled cooperative approach to settling issues. Robin believes in the collaborative process which focuses on respectful communication, voluntary disclosure of all relevant information, and prioritizing the needs of the children to create an enduring agreement that cultivates healthy and positive co-parenting.

Through her family’s experience with divorce and co-parenting under two parenting agreements she is able to better serve her clients. She is open with her clients and shares the reality of going from one home to two, and the benefit of creating an enduring agreement that is in the best interest of the entire family.

Licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina, Robin is a trained Collaborative Attorney and a Dispute Resolution Commission Certified Mediator. She is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Carolina Collaborative Law Group.

Contact Robin M. Mermans