Learn more about Collaborative Divorce with our Videos
Click here to view Explanatory VideosCollaborative Divorce
Collaborative Divorce is an alternative to traditional divorce litigation, which can be costly, adversarial, and prolonged. Key elements of Collaborative Divorce include: the ability to reach creative solutions which preserve the best interests of yourself and each member of your family; a commitment on the part of you, your spouse, and your attorneys to reach resolution without the need for litigation; a team approach involving trained professionals engaging in a process that is truly customized to meet the needs of your family; a process based on the premise that at all times, all involved will be respectful of one another, and forthcoming with the information necessary for the process to move forward.
Our Professionals
Charlotte Collaborative Divorce Professionals work in teams and are trained to assist you with the legal, emotional and financial aspects of your divorce. A collaborative team may include attorneys, divorce coaches, child specialists and financial neutrals.
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Check Out The Collaborative Blog
Calming the Nervous System and Avoiding the Freeze for Professionals In the Collaborative Divorce Meeting
All too often, clients will go “off the rails” temporarily during a Collaborative Divorce meeting. What matters most during these...
Separating couples oftentimes conflict with each other about parenting techniques and have different parenting styles. This conflict...
Using Collaborative Language
Transitioning to the use of collaborative language is one of the hardest adjustments with which divorcing couples struggle, yet doing...